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Overview of Redfall: Release Date, Plot Details

Guns, powers, and vampires... what could possibly go wrong?
by Natalie Collazo on March 22, 2023   

Redfall Hero Art

The idea of vampires has been making a comeback in the same way that zombies did in the wake of The Walking Dead. I like to believe that it started with the release of the fifth edition of World of Darkness's Vampire: The Masquerade tabletop game, and I'm not willing to argue about it.

Arkane Studio's upcoming shooter, Redfall, plays with the theme while allowing your friends to join in on the carnage. With its release coming up soon, more and more players have been wanting to know everything that they possibly can about the game before diving in themselves. So, we've outlined everything we could think of below. However, if we missed anything, feel free to leave a comment and let us know!

When does Redfall release?

Microsoft themselves announced that Redfall's release date would be on May 2. That means we have a little over a month before we can finally live our Buffy dreams, with guns. It was originally set to release sometime last year, but that was pushed to the aforementioned date so that players could experience the game the way it was intended to be.

What is the story of Redfall?

Welcome to Redfall, where the air is thick with the scent of vampire and the blood runs colder than a Boston winter. What was once a charming New England locale has now become a battleground between the living and vampires.

You'll have to choose from four unique survivors, each with their own set of skills and abilities. First up is Devinder Crousley, a cryptozoologist and inventor who's not afraid to get his hands dirty. Next is Layla Ellison, a telekinetic student who can move objects with her mind - just imagine the havoc she can wreak on some fanged foes. Then there's Remi de la Rosa, a combat engineer who can take apart a gun blindfolded and reassemble it in seconds. And last but not least, there's Jacob Boyer, a supernatural former US military special forces sniper veteran - say that five times fast.

What platforms will Redfall be on?

While Redfall isn't necessarily a console exclusive, PlayStation players are going to have to pass on the opportunity to play. It looks like Xbox Series X and PC players using Steam and Epic Games client will be the only ones able to partake in the hunt. In fact, Game Pass subscribers will be able to enjoy the game on day one.

We've all seen games become available for platforms that we never thought would be possible, so there's hope that it will one day be on the PS5.

Is Redfall multiplayer?

Redfall is both single-player and multiplayer. It's possible that as you were reading through this, you thought to yourself, "Ah, another four-player survival shooter." But, you couldn't be more wrong. Since the world of Redfall is open for you to explore, you can do this with your friends or solo if you're looking to experience the story at your own pace.

In fact, there won't be CPU players that take the roles of the other three characters if you're going it alone. If you want to be alone, then you'll truly be alone. 

Is Redfall crossplay compatible?

Are you worried about playing on console while your friends are playing on PC? Well, you can play with your coterie of choice since it's been confirmed that Redfall will have crossplay. Team up with your buddies at any time, any place, and on any platform.

Will Redfall have character customization?

While Redfall doesn't have character customization, it definitely has ability customization. If you're at all familiar with previous Arkane Studio games like Dishonored, then you're probably familiar with the wide array of abilities and powers. 

Even though there are only four playable characters, each player's version of these characters will depend on how they are customized. You can earn skill points as you complete the story and work through different quests, but it will be up to you to create the perfectly optimized version of the characters that you choose to play as.

Check back with DailyGamer for more news and information about Arkane Studios and Redfall.


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