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3 Things to Know About God of War: Ragnarok

What we learned from the God of War: Ragnarok trailer.
by Adam Braunstein on September 23, 2021   

God of War Ragnarok fight

God of War: Ragnarok is the most anticipated game of the year and it might be the "must-have" title that the PS5 needs to really gain some momentum. Recently, the trailer was released, and the reception has been a bit sketchy, to say the least. It's looking to be more of the same, which isn't exactly a good thing, but it might not be the worst thing either consider that God of War was perhaps the best game of the past 5 years. Here are 3 things to expect from God of War: Ragnarok.

3. The Combat Looks the Same

God of War Ragnarok Combat

Sometimes you just gotta call it like you see it and in this case, the combat shown off in God of War: Ragnarok is almost identical to the previous game. The combat was good in God of War: Ragnarok, but it certainly wouldn't be considered perfect by any measure as a lot of the animations were quite stiff-looking especially compared to some of its contemporaries.

In addition to that, the number of weapons was pretty weak compared to the older games which had many new weapons to unlock. In the trailer, we see possible glimpses of new weapons, but the animations look exactly the same and while an older Kratos wouldn't necessarily move faster, the animations could definitely have been improved and yet the same stiff-looking ones still remain. 

2. Boss Fights Look More Varied

Kratos vs Freya

One of the biggest points of contention in God of War was the boss fights. Despite opening with one of the cooler boss fights of all time against Baldur, they quickly became one fight after another against boring troll enemies which had near the same mechanics. It got even worse as the game rolled along as it eventually got so bad that pallette swaps were used for some fights which is just an ancient practice that shouldn't happen in big-budget games anymore.

God of War was very much a calm before the storm sort of game, well then, is there any bigger storm than Ragnarok? Being the end of the world and all, the footage we saw didn't look all that different from the first game, but at least the larger enemies and potentially bosses looked fun to fight and the inevitable showdown with Freya and Thor should epic. 

1. Tyr is Real

Kratos meets Tyr

Perhaps the biggest bombshell of the trailer was the reveal that Tyr, the Norse god of war is in fact real. This completely destroys many fan theories that guessed that Kratos was actually a time traveler warning himself from the future. Turns out, not only is Tyr real but he's a giant. This isn't just about his height, but about his race. Based on what we know about the giants, that means they can see the future, so Tyr has been leading Kratos on a carefully plotted breadcrumb trail here. So, the question now becomes to what end? What does Tyr need Kratos for? Maybe he wants to team up with him to stop Ragnarok? Or is it something else? Their meeting didn't exactly seem like a friendly one, so this is a hell of an end to a trailer and makes up for some of the other shortcomings. 


God of War will be available in 2022 for PS4 and PS5. 



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