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Xbox Game Pass Falls Short of Goal

Game Pass subscriptions grew, but not as fast as hoped
by Oliver VanDervoort on October 21, 2021   

Subscriber growth for Microsoft’s subscription gaming service, Xbox Game Pass, was slower than the company hoped for in the past year, according to a new financial filing. That's despite the fact that there was growth, showing that the model works, but just not as well as the parent company was aiming for this year.

For the 12 month period that ended on June 30, 2021,  Xbox Game Pass subscriber growth was up 37percent, but the company had set a 48 percent growth goal.

That's a bit of a reversal from the success the service saw the year prior. In 2020, Game Pass was aiming for a 71 percent growth and saw a massive 86 percent growth instead.

While it’s notable that Microsoft missed one target, it's arguable that it's of interest that Game Pass subscriptions are a target at all.

In 2019, the company added Game Pass subscriber growth to a shortlist of performance goals for top executives.

Game Pass has been a rather obvious key to the company's success for quite a while now. 

It's unclear if the missed target is a big mistake or a smaller blip in the road. With the addition of all kinds of games to the service, including nearly the entirety of the Bethesda catalog after that company's purchase, improving subscription numbers are obviously a key. The question, that likely won't be answered until at least next year, is just what falling short of the goals, might mean for the service.


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