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Riot Games Introduced Glacial Augment and Lethal Tempo Changes

The 2022 LoL preseason introduces rune changes
by Tit Krajnik on October 24, 2021   

The 2022 League of Legends preseason will welcome impactful changes to make the game more diverse. Like any year before, the 2022 preseason will introduce new items, adjustments to the map, and exciting changes to the rune choices.


Rune Changes

Runes have been a relatively unfocused area of the game throughout the year, but that’s about to change in 2022. As revealed by Riot Games, the 2022 LoL preseason will bring an overhaul of two major keystone runes in Lethal Tempo and Glacial Augment and introduce First Strike as a new rune in the game.

Two long-standing runes in Lethal Tempo and Glacian Augment will get tuned to be more up to par with other rune trees. Meanwhile, First Strike will be added to the existing lineup of runes to add a bit more versatility to the game and award aggressive laners.

The news about the rune changes surfaced in the game’s update post, which unveiled a plethora of other new features that will release with the 2022 LoL preseason.


Changes To Lethal Tempo

The precision tree has been largely used by only marksmen champions in the game, but of late, they started branching out to other rune trees and started using Dark Harvest or Arcane Comet. Although precision remained the go-to rune tree for most scenarios, the players were forced to pick between Press the Attack, Fleet Footwork, or Conqueror.

Meanwhile, very few champions benefited from Lethal Tempo. That was mainly because of the conditions that had to be met for Lethal Tempo to activate. 

To address the issue and make Lethal Tempo a more appealing pick, Riot Games decided to implement the change where the attack speed, granted by attacking a champion, will always last for six seconds and stack up to six times. When the players reach six stacks, they will also gain an attack range and increase their attack speed cap to 3.0.


Gain attack speed for 6 seconds when striking at least one enemy champion with each attack. This effect stacks up to 6 times
While this effect is at its cap, also gain attack range and increase your attack speed cap to 3.0.


Changes to Glacial Augment

The Glacial Augment rune has been rarely used throughout the 2021 season, mainly because the Inspiration tree has struggled to keep up with other rune trees. Consequently, Inspiration runes and Glacial Augment became a niche pick, used on only a handful of champions – mainly Senna.

Starting with the 2022 LoL preseason, Glacial Augment will be transformed into a more supportive rune rather than a solo-lane rune, which it has struggled to become. The new Glacial Augment will cause three glacial rays to shoot out towards you and other champions in your vicinity after you immobilize the enemy.

The rays will make frozen zones on the ground, similarly to Frostfire Gauntlet. The areas will slow enemies that walk through them by 40% and reduce their damage by 15% against your allies. However, the enemy will still deal full damage to you.


Immobilizing an enemy champion will cause three glacial rays to emanate from them towards you and other nearby champions, creating frozen zones for a few seconds that slow enemies by 40% and reduce their damage by 15% against your allies (not including yourself).


Introduction of First Strike

First Strike will be added to the game as LoL’s new rune, which will reward aggressive players. The rune will award you five gold and the “First Strike” effect if you damage an enemy champion before you get hit by a damaging ability.

The First Strike effect will cause attacks and abilities to deal 12% more damage against opponents and grant you a percentage of that damage in gold. Melee champions will receive 100% of the damage in gold, while ranged champions will instead receive 70% of the bonus.

First Strike

Damaging an enemy champion with an attack or ability before they do so grants 5 gold and First Strike for 3 seconds, causing your attacks or abilities to deal 12% extra damage against champions and granting 100% (70% for ranged units) of that damage dealt as gold.


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