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New World Update Makes End Game a Bigger Grind

New World's Into the Void update causes new issues.
by Adam Braunstein on November 24, 2021   

New World

Tis' the season for mediocre games releasing and New World has had quite a tumultuous launch. While it has brought some interesting ideas to the MMO table as real-time combat is a rarity in that genre and New World brings a Dark Souls-style combat system into the mix. Where it fails though is in bringing any kind of engaging story into the mix despite the emphasis put on it with the first trailers released for the game. Things get even messier when you consider the blandness of the environments and the trudge it is to have no convenient fast travel which means you'll be backtracking so much and spend much of your time in the exact same areas. The developers at Amazon Games heard the complaints though, and they released a big-time update called Into the Void in order to make things work a bit better. Unfortunately, the update adds things that end up causing a whole host of new issues. 

The biggest problem is how much harder the endgame now is. Several high-level enemies have received an inexplicable boost in the update and because of this, it's nearly impossible to take down these creatures as a solo player. This completely alienates those who wish to play the game on their own and the change is badling as nobody was asking for this kind of addition when the endgame was already such an insane grind to begin with. The idea behind it is that now you NEED to party up so it's encouraging grouping up instead of trying to do it all on your own. But anyone that's played MMO's knows just how tough it can be getting a solid party together let alone getting people to cooperate with each other. The developers are apparently making sure they are looking into reward balance and game activities though, so it's possible they get to fixing this update sooner than later. 

New World

New World at least can be fun at moments, but the problem is a lot of those moments are hidden until the way later stages of the game and you have to seriously grind in order to get to them. The huge group battles really aren't available until around level 50 or so for example, so the amount of hours you have to put in to get to the good parts often is not worth the time. 

New World is available now on PC.



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