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PlayStation VP Fired In Wake Of Sting Operation

An indepedent group carrying out the sting caught him attempting to meet what he thought was a 15-year-old boy for sex.
by Oliver VanDervoort on December 06, 2021   

A senior PlayStation executive has been fired from Sony following an amateur sting operation that allegedly proved he was attempting to engage in sexual activity with a minor.

YouTube channel People v. Preds posted a video featuring George Cacioppo, senior vice president of engineering for PlayStation Network, allegedly waiting to meet with a 15-year-old boy.

In a statement to CNET, Sony said: "We are aware of the situation and the employee in question has been terminated from employment."

The executive had worked for the company for the last eight years.

According to the chat log linked in the video's description and CNET's report on the incident, the People v. Preds team posed as a 15-year-old boy and connected with Cacioppo -- who referred to himself as 'Jeff' -- via the dating app Grindr.

In the video, Cacioppo is seen waiting outside a house as the cameraman approaches. Upon realizing what's happening, Cacioppo retreats inside while the cameraman yells that he arranged to meet a 15-year-old boy to have sex.

The People v. Preds team alleges that, prior to the meeting, Cacioppo engaged in sexual conversations with the fictitious 15-year-old and shared inappropriate pictures while discussing what they would do when they met.

While the exec has been terminated from Sony, it's unclear if there might be legal repercussions as well. The man filming the incident mentions to Cacioppo that he's contacting law enforcement. However, at the time of this writing, there has been no arrest made public and the video did not depict law enforcement arriving at the scene of the incident.


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