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Former Activision Blizzard Employees Protest Following Lay-Offs

Remaining team members plan a walkout
by Natalie Collazo on December 07, 2021   

Earlier this week, dozens of employees contracted with the quality assurance team Raven Software were laid off with more unsure of whether or not they will also be laid off. In the wake of this announcement, members still with the team announced plans to stage a walkout and demand that those former employees be rehired and given full-time positions. 

Raven Software is currently the team that ensures the quality of Call of Duty: Warzone, one of Activision Blizzard's biggest hits, and financial successes. The layoffs reduce the team by over 30% and some of those colleagues were considered, “essential to the everyday functioning of the Raven QA team.” The statement officially released from Raven Software reads:

“In response to the events of Friday, the Raven QA team and other members of Raven’s staff will be walking out with a singular demand: Every member of the QA team, including those terminated on Friday, must be offered full-time positions.”

In response to the statement made, Activision Blizzard spoke with IGN and stated that “Activision Publishing is growing its overall investment in its development and operation resources. We are converting approximately 500 temporary workers to full-time employees in the coming months. Unfortunately, as part of this change, we also have notified 20 temporary workers across studios that their contracts would not be extended.”

ABetterABK, the employee group advocating for all Activision Blizzard employees, tweeted today in awareness of the protest more information regarding the situation.



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