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Former BioWare Exec Showing Off New RPG At The Game Awards

The former Dragon Age developer's new company will unveil its next project.
by Oliver VanDervoort on December 08, 2021   

Ex-BioWare General Manager Aaryn Flynn departed the company a few months after the lackluster launch of Mass Effect: Andromeda. While he might have left the company, he didn't leave the industry. Now he's resurfacing with his new firm, Improbable Worlds Limited and is promising that he'll show off the developer's new game at this week's The Game Awards.

Few people outside the company know much about what Flynn and his small team have been working on for the last several years. What little the public knows is that Improbable’s upcoming game is an online RPG utilizing Unreal Engine 4 and the company’s proprietary SpatialOS technology. Little else is publicly confirmed, other than that the company gave Flynn himself a great deal of creative control.

Flynn hasn't spoken in great detail about what this latest project is, but he did share a bit of info on what he thinks the SpatialOS is going to allow his game to do.

“We’ve often talked about this and said that our favorite RPGs are ones that really embrace empowerment,” He said in a 2019 interview, “you can say what you want to say, go where you want to go, make the choices that you want to make and really get back to role-playing.”

He went on to explain that he hoped the technology would allow for an immense degree of player freedom while allowing players to interact and form meaningful bonds with each other.

In just a few days, the public will be able to get its first glimpse of how his company is pulling its vision off.


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