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Former Witcher 3 and CyberPunk 2077 Director Has Created His Own AAA Studio Called Rebel Wolves

A new Dark Fantasy RPG is on the way from the newly formed studio!
by Adam Braunstein on February 17, 2022   

Do you know how to make gamers stand at attention? It’s pretty simple actually. You put the words. The Witcher 3, new game, and developments next to each other and it’s enough to cause a joyous riot. In this scenario, those words are all connected, but in a bit of a different way than you might’ve hoped for. Konrad Tamszkiewicz, former game director for both The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 has created a new, AAA studio in Poland called Rebel Wolves.

The announcement of a studio is good and all, but the real juiciness here comes from the fact that they have already announced their first project, which is a AAA Dark Fantasy game that will be built from Unreal Engine 5. Not only that but there is already teaser art available to get us speculating about what it’s going to be about and what the setting is.

The teaser art is certainly interesting looking as it features a warrior sliding down a mountain with bats surrounding him as monstrous-looking guards in uniform look to pursue him. The vibe of the art is very intriguing and I can’t really say I remember seeing a game that had the guards as the monsters and the monster as the hero. It’s an interesting take on a Dark Fantasy game and while it's just some teaser art, it clearly was made with a representative purpose.

The team at Rebel Wolves is impressive so far and has people on it from The Witcher series, Cyberpunk 2077, Thronebreaker, and Shadow Warrior 2.

The developers here all come from different places and the goal of the studio is to make games that they want to make without the watchful corporate eye steering all the big decisions. It's clear that when hearing something like this from former people working on Cyberpunk 2077 that there was all kinds of unwanted pressure to deliver with that game and the reason for this studio's creation was to get rid of all that pressure. The developers have mentioned that the game they’re creating could be a CRPG game, which would go nicely with the resurgence that genre has seen as of late.


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