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Dragon Age 4 Is Aiming for a Late 2023 Release Date

Dragon Age 4 is coming along as expected.
by Adam Braunstein on February 18, 2022   

Do you remember Bioware? You know, the absolute RPG gods of the mid-2000s? The RPGs they crafted are some of the most legendary of all time and according to some, Dragon Age is their best property. The last time we saw Dragon Age was almost 8 years ago in Dragon Age: Inquisition, which ended up being a massive hit.

The story certainly didn’t do much in the way of ending with Dragon Age: Inquisition and the DLC provided one of the biggest cliffhangers in recent memory. Instead of capitalizing on that fan intrigue, Bioware went dormant on the franchise, and only in the last year have we got any kind of idea on what’s going on with it.

Thankfully, we have an update finally. Bioware has reported that Dragon Age 4 will be releasing sometime in late 2023, so that’s another good 18 months of waiting we’ll be doing before the next title in the franchise comes out. For those keeping score, that will be almost a decade in between games.

This is the first timeline we’ve received on the game and despite some bogus reports that it could be dropping sometime in 2022, this is the first official news we’ve gotten regarding the game.

In terms of what we know about the game, it will be set in Tevinter and the team at Bioware has made it a point to get rid of all multiplayer elements in the game. That means for the first time in a while Bioware is going to come out with an original game with no multiplayer in sight.

There has been some cause for concern about the game because the senior creative director on Dragon Age 4, Matt Goldman recently left Bioware. Despite that, it appears that Dragon Age 4 is hitting all the checkpoints it needs to and maybe someday soon, we’ll actually see what this game is going to look like.

Bioware knows where it's at in gamers' eyes. They were the kings of the videogame world until they fell from their throne and almost ruined everything with subsequent disastrous releases in the form of Mass Effect: Andromeda and Anthem. Luckily, they released the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition over the summer and restored a whole lot of goodwill in the fan base's eyes.

They are getting back to their wheelhouse with Dragon Age 4. A completely single-player experience. The wait will suck, but I believe in Bioware, and I think this will be their return to greatness.


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