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Activision Blizzard Converting QA Employees to Full-Time

Pay rates will also be increasing
by Natalie Collazo on April 07, 2022   

Activision Blizzard has been facing an intense sexual allegation lawsuit as well as a new acquisition by Microsoft. Now, it has been announced that they plan to convert over 1,000 part-time QA workers to full-time positions follows by an increase in pay. The benefits don't stop there as the conversion will also allow for those employees to take part in the company's bonus plan and have access to full-time medical and vacation benefits.

It wasn't long ago that Raven Software, a QA company that worked on Call of Duty: Vanguard, set up a strike in response to much of the staff being laid off at the beginning of the year. Those employees had their positions integrated within the Call of Duty team and now it looks like they are officially getting what they deserve. 

They had formed a union at the beginning of the year, being Blizzard's first, and saw a nationwide response from everyone within the industry. Blizzard Activision president Mike Ybarra details the change in an email sent to company staff saying, 

Our ability to deliver great games at the “Blizzard quality” level our players expect is vital to ensuring we exceed player expectations. Over the last 6 months, I’ve had the opportunity to listen and engage with members of our QA team and we’ve had several meetings where I outlined my philosophy about contract/full-time roles.

This seems to be a major change in direction from the path that the company has been walking as of late and so it's reassuring to know that there is some sort of action being taken. It also carves a way towards more organizational change within the company and for other companies looking to have the some conversation internally.

Check back with DailyGamer for more news from Activision Blizzard and information from Microsoft.


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