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New Battlefield 2042 Update to Bring "400+" Fixes

That's a big update for a game that delivered so little.
by Natalie Collazo on April 14, 2022   

It's no secret that DICE's most recent release in the Battlefield franchise was a complete and utter flop. The title was riddled with bugs and features that simply weren't implemented as promised by DICE and EA. Now, it looks like they are going to be releasing a new 4.0 update that promises to not only fix the well-known issues but over 400 other known and unknown issues as well. 

Even though the official update notes won't be released until closer to the launch, Battlefield 2042 community manager Kevin Johnson was able to share some news via his Twitter account. One of the major updates provided will be in the form of attachments being overhauled with a focus on "ensuring they feel unique and have an impact on your loadout choice and gunplay."

Rao and Paik will also be having their traits updated as well as Sundance who will be getting a fix to their Grenade Belt which will allow for better targeting in their immediate vicinity.

While this most likely will not change the minds of fans who had a different expectation of the game, the update does look promising and as though a real effort is being made to bring in new and returning fans.

Check back with DailyGamer for more news on Battlefield 2042 and DICE.


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