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Spider-Man: Miles Morales Sales Numbers Pale In Comparison To Original Game

The Sequel That Wasn't A Sequel Underperformed
by Oliver VanDervoort on January 20, 2021   

Spider-Man: Miles Morales was a successful launch title for the PS5, but that doesn't mean it held a candle to its predecessor in terms of sales. Super Data, a Nielsen company, just released sales numbers for November of 2020, and it's both good and bad news for the world's newest web-slinger. 

Miles Morales sold 663K digital units across both the PS4 and PS5. The company didn't break down the numbers between consoles, but it's a safe bet the next-generation machine had a majority of those sales. 

While it seems like more than 500,000 units in a month is a good thing, that number is way below what the original Spider-Man did in 2018. That game managed to sell more than 2.2 million units in the month of its launch.

However, even compared to other games news to the market in 2020, Miles Morales paled. The title didn't even make it into the Top 10, despite going up against some games that were released the month before, such as Marvel's Avengers

Games released this summer, such as Tony Hawk's Skater 1 + 2 remake, also beat Miles Morales

Super Data did point out that while the newest Spider-Man game didn't do great in terms of sales, it also wasn't billed as a true sequel. When compared to other games in this sub-genre, it did quite well. That included games like Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, which was also a PS4 exclusive of similar length and advertising campaigns.


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