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Dragon Age 4 Devs Unionizing Over Bad Pay

As well as several other reasons.
by Natalie Collazo on April 27, 2022   

In a wave of QA developer organizing, Bioware contractors who are working on Dragon Age 4 have announced their plans to unionize. There are several reasons why they choose to do this but the two biggest reasons outlined are the pay and the concerns related to everyone returning to the office full-time in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The developers are part of a contracting service called Keywords Studio which works closely with the Bioware team in the Edmonton office. Their resume includes titles like the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition as well as Star Wars: The Old Republic expansion, Legacy of the Sith. One representative for the group, who has chosen to remain anonymous, explained that the work provided to them by full-time Bioware developers is exclusively administrative.

The news came via a Tweet from Jessica Gonzalez, founder of the Game Workers Alliance who also set up the union with Raven Software earlier this year. She links a Reddit page that details the notice of the union and its presentation to Bioware.


The company instructed their employees earlier this month in an email that they would be returning to full-time hours at the office beginning on May 9 although nearly 1,000 new Covid cases are still being reported daily in nearby areas. In regards to the pay disparity, it was reported that some QA team employees are being paid just under $13 USD for roles that full-time Bioware employees are being paid much more for. Bioware themselves has not yet made a comment in acknowledgment of the proposition but if it is anything like what we witnessed with Raven Software, we should hear something soon.

The document is currently being reviewed by the Alberta Labor Relations Board who will complete it by May 3 where a vote by mail will likely happen soon after. Representatives are hopeful that this will result in a positive response from Bioware as well as union recognition in light of the issues employees are currently facing.

Check back with DailyGamer as this story develops.


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