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Ubisoft's Skull and Bones Leaks New Footage

Finally, after almost six years of silence from the developer.
by Natalie Collazo on April 29, 2022   

After six years of developmental hell, fans of the (hopefully) upcoming pirate adventure game from Ubisoft can see leaked footage of gameplay. This comes via a Reddit post that links to a six-minute video though as of this writing, the video has been taken down. Nothing has been heard about this game since the E3 2017 teaser trailer and from what fans who have seen the new footage have commented, they are not too amused.

The video details how players will be able to complete contracts for a variety of NPCs so that they can rank up and unlock different ships and upgrades. Players will be able to treat their adventure with a bit more realism as aspects such as rations, water, repair kits, and ammunition are touched on as important resources. It seems that if a player's ship gets destroyed or if their crew refuses to obey orders, then they could lose ranks while other players can hone in on the treasures and rations left behind by those players.

Shortly after the video came to light, the official Skull and Bones Twitter page made its first Tweet in almost two yeas asking players to "Keep your eyes on the horizon". Skull and Bones was originally introduced as a PvP-focused game that has players fighting against one another for resources while also employing several RPG aspects. The video showed things more akin to resource management and crafting and very little information about fighting. Hopefully, there will be more to show of the video in due time since it seems that it was attached to a much longer trailer.

Check back with DailyGaner for more news and information from Ubisoft and Skull and Bones.


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