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Bethesda Delays Starfield and Redfall to 2023

This follows the delays of other titles
by Natalie Collazo on May 12, 2022   

Two of the most highly-anticipated games from the Elder Scrolls developer have been officially pushed back to 2023, as explained in a Tweet from Bethesda. Both the sci-fi RPG Starfield and vampire shooter Redfall have been pushed to an unknown date next year. As a part of what I like to call the Cybperunk effect, the company explained that in order for both games to achieve the ambitions set out for them, they need more time.


These delays follow other announcements like Breath of the Wild 2 for the same reason of achieving the goals set out for both themselves and the fans that are going to play those games. Starfield is riding on the coattails of other popular Bethesda games like the Fallout and Elder Scrolls franchises as a new IP. Redfall is following the releases of games like Dishonored and Deathloop which saw similar popularity among fans.  

Starfield will be following in the footsteps of other large RPGs from the company but in the theme of a sci-fi atmosphere. Not much has been shown beside what looks to be travel via spaceships and traversing through planetscapes. The project is definitely ambitious so it's no surprise that the company wants to ensure the best possible results. The latter, Redfall, is a first-person shooter that follows survivors as they need to kill different monsters and vampires.

Bethesda's Starfield and Redfall delayed to 2023 - Polygon

There was no official date given alongside the announcement but we're hoping for more information as this year comes to a close. Considering that more and more developers have begun creating their own showcases for game announcements, we might have a Starfield showcase in our future.

Check back with DailyGamer for more news and information from Bethesda about both Redfall and Starfield.


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