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Massive Changes To League of Legends With Durability (12.10) Patch

More health, more armor, but less healing
by Tit Krajnik on May 17, 2022   

Every year, Riot Games introduces updates and patches to League of Legends in a bid to balance out the game, introduce something new, or tweak some minor things to make the game more enjoyable. Naturally, some patches are more impactful than others, but the upcoming Patch 12.10 is said to be the most impactful League has seen in years.

Fittingly named the Durability update, patch 12.10, which arrives in late May, will introduce significant changes to the game and how it is played. Most notably, it will introduce a plethora of champion nerfs; all targeted to change one thing, to increase the base health pool and resistances.

As noted by Riot employees, 12.10 will be “a pretty disruptive patch”, which will be monitored by the developers, who will keep track of how the players adjust to the new power dynamics. Moreover, it was said that not all balance changes would be hitting the servers at one time, so Riot can better understand which champions need nerfs or buffs to balance out the game.

All champions will be getting a +70 increase to their base health, 12 more health per level, as well as 1.2 armor and 0.8 magic resist per level. Moreover, all healing in the game will be reduced by 10-28%, while all shielding will be nerfed by 10% across all champions and abilities.

Although the healing/shielding nerfs seem counterproductive to what the patch intends to change, those nerfs have been implemented to balance out the buffs to the base durability and nerfs to Gerviuous Wounds, which will be reduced by 10%.

Likewise, all magic and armor penetrations are getting nerfed by 5-10% through champion abilities and items.

Besides that, 12.10 will increase the damage Baron Nashor does to the champion in a bid to counteract the improved durability. With that, teams won’t be able to tank Baron too easily. As revealed by Phlox, one of the lead League of Legends developers at Riot Games, the changes that will come to the game with 12.10 will be one of the last major balance changes.

The 12.10 patch is set to drop on Wednesday, May 25, just days before the conclusion of the 2022 Mid-Season Invitational. With all the changes also comes a new set of skins, adding five new champions to the High Noon skins lineup - Tahm Kench, Twitch, Samira, Sion, and Viktor will all receive its High Noon skins, which will be available for purchase for 1350 RP.


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