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Ubisoft Expected to “re-reveal” Skull and Bones in July

3 years after its original announcement 
by Joe Wilcock on June 26, 2022   

Skull and Bones have suffered several torrid setbacks during its 10 years in development. Work originally began on the title back in 2013 as an Assassin’s Creed spin-off which went by the name of Black Flag Infinite. Since then, the project has undergone multiple changes during development. 

As reported by Kotaku, one former developer spoke out and attributed the shift in momentum to their outdated technology:

“Technology was moving forward, and pretty soon you want better visuals. And then you realize that some of your assets don’t fit anymore, and the more and more you start to change, the more parts become obsolete. And when a project drags for more than a couple years, your initial assumptions are no longer valid.”

- Former Ubisoft Developer 

The newly named Skull & Bones was unveiled at 2017’s E3 but would suffer four major delays in three years thereafter. In September 2021, it was reported that Ubisoft had already sunk a whopping $120 million on the project which is yet to receive any release date. 

That could all change next month though as reports suggest that Skull & Bones could be “re-revealed” in the week beginning July 4th. 

Tryhardguides’ Tom Henderson says “details on what will be revealed are vague, but it’s understood that Ubisoft will finally confirm a release date for the long-awaited title, officially reveal gameplay, and share some other additional details.”

To add credence to the speculation, Brazil dished out their rating of the upcoming title on the PC, Stadia, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series S/X branding it an M for Mature. 

Check back with DailyGamer for more Ubisoft and Skull and Bones news. 



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