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FIFA 23’s Ultimate Team Will Still Feature Loot Boxes

“We wholeheartedly believe that Ultimate Team and FUT Packs… are a part of FIFA that players love”
by Joe Wilcock on August 15, 2022   

Several European countries, predominantly the UK and the Netherlands, have recently launched enquiries into the dangers of loot boxes and their links to gambling. The Dutch made massive strides in their investigation before their proposed $11 million fine for EA was overturned in March. The report stated that:

“The call for evidence has found an association between loot boxes and harms, but we have not found whether there is a causative link.

It is difficult to disaggregate which loot box implementations may be particularly problematic.”

- Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS)

The UK followed suit and decided last month that they will not pursue any legal actions or enact laws of any kind to deter developers from including loot boxes in video games. This, of course, has given EA free reign to implement their notoriously egregious and dangerous loot box mechanics in the upcoming FIFA 23. Their statement, given to Eurogamer, is another classic PR embarrassment from EA:

"We wholeheartedly believe that Ultimate Team and FUT Packs, which have been part of the game for more than a decade, are a part of FIFA that players love - fans love that the game reflects the real-world excitement and strategy of building and managing a squad. Giving players the choice to spend if they want to is fair.

It's worth saying that spending is entirely optional in our game, and we do not encourage spending over earning rewards through game play. FUT Packs work in just the same way whether they are paid for or earned, and most players don't spend in game at all. For example, nine out of 10 FUT Packs opened in FIFA 22 were earned."

- EA

FIFA 23 will launch on September 30 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.

Check back with DailyGamer for more FIFA 23 and EA news. 


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