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Chivalry 2 Charges To Game Pass With New Content

Mounted Combat joins the battlefield
by B.J. Bunneh3000 Brown on October 04, 2022   

Chivalry 2 is on its way to Xbox Game Pass with a bunch of new content to charge into new players' view. As the 2021 multiplayer game of the year for PC, Chivalry 2 has enjoyed over 2 million in sales as a succeessful title. Those who have not enjoyed the thrill of tossing pans, chickens, fish, and other weapons at their foes to get a cheap kill, will soon get their chance!

Developer Torn Banner Studios wants players, new and old, to feel the chaotic thrill of battle that Chivalry 2 does better than any other title with their new update. Called 'Reinforced', this update adds the following:

  • New Map: Hippodrome (Team Deathmatch/Free-for-All). Designed from the ground-up to showcase the new mounted horse combat feature first introduced with the Chivalry 2: Tenosian Invasion content update, Hippodrome is set in an arena full of danger and peril with spike traps and flamethrowers – and features open spaces, providing lots of opportunities for horseback jousting and lance charges.
  • New Weapon: The Katars. The first dual-wielded weapon to join the world of Chivalry 2, the katars are a matched pair of deadly, armor-piercing, daggers for swift close range attacks. Designed for the Ambusher class, it is a very fast stab weapon that does not interrupt opponents. It also encourages the player wielding it to have good footwork and make use of dodges, as it has a very weak block. The katars make for an excellent engaging weapon, allowing Ambushers to get behind enemy lines and cut down heavily armored fighters with ease.
  • Mounted Combat Map Updates: The Chivalry 2 community has been asking for more horseplay, so Torn Banner Studios has delivered, adding mounted horse combat existing maps The Raid on Aberfell (Team Objective) and The Siege of Rudhelm (Team Objective).


Chivalry 2 hits Xbox and PC Game Pass on October 4th, 2022. The new 'Reinforced' content is also available on all platforms including PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S consoles.


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