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FIFA 23 World Cup Update Details

The update will kick off on November 9th 
by Joe Wilcock on November 03, 2022   

Qatar's controversial Winter World cup is just around the corner and FIFA 23 are rolling out an event to coincide with it. Tom Henderson of Inside Gaming has provided a glimpse of what we can expect. 

Several events are planned across the next month to complement the feast of soccer on display. “The World Cup” event will commence on November 9th and will run until January 3rd. The mode yields new legendary players for players to acquire and will run not only through the entirety of the tournament but through to the new year too. 

The first event kicks off from November 11th to November 23rd. The “World Cup Path to Glory” mode will offer FIFA 23 FUT Heroes through two squad releases. Following this, the “Road to the World Cup” event will start on November 25th and will run until December 2nd. 35 World Cup Icons will be up for grabs in this event in a similar two-pronged squad update. After that, on December 2nd, FIFA 23’s FUT “World Cup Stories” will continue the festivities up to December 9th. Details are scarce on what this event entails, details will be shared closer to the time.

Reports suggest that there could be even more events to round off the World Cup month, but no details can be gathered past the “World Cup Stories” event. Courtesy of Inside Gaming, the list of all known events and dates can be found below:

  • November 9th – World Cup Promotion Starts
  • November 11th – World Cup Path to Glory Event
  • November 25th – Road to World Cup Event
  • December 2nd – World Cup Stories Event
  • December 9th – Unknown World Cup Event

Check back with DailyGamer for more FIFA 23 news. 


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