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Riot Games Shares More Details About Jungle Changes

More changes are coming to the jungle
by Tit Krajnik on December 08, 2022   

League of Legends has seen a major shift in the preseason, with the introduction of new items, new meta, and massive jungle changes. And according to League game designer Ezra “Phlox” Lynn, more changes might come depending on how the current ones affect the meta.


On Wednesday, December 7, League of Legends designed Phlox shared some details on the jungle changes in a State of the Jungle developer blog, where he explained what is to come for the jungle’s three main aspects: pathing, optimization, and counter-jungling.

Phlox started with the counter-jungling, which he recognized as the pivotal part of the role and a hot topic since the preseason changes were announced. The recent changes tried to prevent early invades, which tend to snowball the game and create a miserable experience by turning it into high-risk, high-reward. So when appropriately executed, it would award the jungler with a significant advantage, or when failed, set him back significantly.

That was made possible with the Smite changes, which is now enhanced based on the number of camps you kill rather than the number of times you use the ability. This effectively forces junglers to clear several of the enemy’s camps to gain a lead. Clear optimization is also a considerable part of the new jungle changes, altering the leash ranges and camp clear speed, where both single target and AoE junglers would be able to clear the camps equally as fast. 

The most significant preseason changes came to Gromp and Krugs since the latter was regularly skipped in the optimal pathing, while the former played a big role in jungle clear speed as it returned health to whoever killed it. However, Riot felt like Gromp’s ability to heal provided too much sustain and removed it.

Besides the changes to the jungle monsters, Riot also changed the spawn time of Scuttlecrab to create more pathing options for all junglers. Now, Scuttlecrab spawns at 3:30 rather than at 3:15 to help junglers with slower clear speeds while allowing those with faster clears to recall and return to the Scuttlecrab before it spawns.

Phlox admitted that Riot implemented many changes and updates to the jungle, which will take some time to manifest and might even be dangerous to the meta. But since we’re still in the preseason, Riot will take this time to monitor the meta, collect the data, and release hotfixes before season 13 kicks off.


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