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Redfall Reviews Slam Game After Poor Launch

Incomplete content causes tremendous issues
by Natalie Collazo on May 04, 2023   

Redfall Is Available Today With Xbox Game Pass (May 2) | Pure Xbox

If you haven't already read all the latest news about Arkane Studio's latest vampire-hunting first-person shooter, Redfall, then you might actually be saving yourself some time. The game was expected to be Bethesda, Xbox, and Arkane's biggest game of the year, but it turned out to be the exact opposite. 

Many of the reviews and first impressions seen around the web talk about how the game had a high marketing budget that just didn't translate to the final product. What was supposed to be a sprawling online adventure turned out to be a huge open world without many NPCs, enemies, or even players for that matter. Realistically, Redfall's downfall could probably be traced back to when it was announced that it would not be shipping at 60 fps, which is standard across the board for game releases of this caliber.

Even Phil Spencer, the Head of Xbox, expressed his disappointment in the launch and looked back at what the project could have actually been had it been delayed a few months. This was released in a Kinda Funny podcast known as Xcast.

Not only was the title released at $70, but it was clearly unfinished, reflecting a poor customer experience and losing the trust of their players. Fortunately, Bethesda's newest parent company, Microsoft, has a tremendous track record of keeping up with the games that failed to meet expectations at launch. Hopefully, Redfall can become a title that players will hop into as the vampire narrative that was originally promised.

Check back with DailyGamer for more news and information about Redfall and Arkane Studios.



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