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PlayStation Showcase Broadcasts Live Next Week

PlayStation will feature numerous games via Twitch and YouTube
by Natalie Collazo on May 17, 2023   

You’re Invited: PlayStation Showcase broadcasts live next Wednesday, May 24 at 1pm Pacific Time

Via a PlayStation Blog post from earlier today, it was announced that PlayStation will have a showcase on May 24 for a bunch of PS5 and PS VR2 games. Starting at 1 pm PDT / 9 PM BST, the whole show will be a little over an hour long and showcase what's in development from PlayStation Studios as well as studios in partnership with PlayStation from all over the world.

You will officially be able to see the show either on YouTube or Twitch. Not much more information was announced about the show, but it can be assumed that this is the company's biggest show of this year, and we should expect to hear some pretty big announcements. The post itself says that we will be seeing new creations directly from PlayStation Studios, so who knows what's in store for us with respect to sequels and new IPs.

Not only will we hear about PlayStation 5 games, but we should expect to see the latest development in PS VR2 games. The hardware was released in February of this year, so this would be the first showcase of the year that would really detail what's coming to the future of VR on the console. There are currently a little under 100 games available to play for the console, so it's possible that we will see a whole new library for fans to gawk over.

Check back with DailyGamer for more news and information about PlayStation and any shows they produce.


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