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Why Was Overwatch 2 PvE Mode Cancelled?

The long-awaited game mode was scrapped, but why?
by Tit Krajnik on May 20, 2023   

The Overwatch 2 fans haven’t had much to feel cheerful about this week following the announcement from Aaron Keller, the game director of Overwatch 2, that the long-awaited PvE mode was scrapped. But why Blizzard decided to shut down the project, which has been worked on and talked about for months?


In a blog post, Overwatch game director Aaron Keller announced and apologized for the sudden cancellation of Overwatch 2’s PvE game mode. In the blog post, Keller also unveiled some details about the origins of the PvE mode, Blizzard’s shift in vision and reasons why the game mode won’t be added to the game.

Earlier this week, it was confirmed that Overwatch 2 wouldn’t be getting Hero Mode (one portion of the PvE content) which has been recently scrapped. The Hero Mode was intended to be a single-player version of Overwatch, where players would battle AI-controlled monsters and be allowed to upgrade heroes through talent trees – similar to the talent trees found in MMORPGs.

As revealed, Hero Mode was in development since Overwatch launched in 2016 and throughout the years, Blizzard put more and more focus into it, slowly shifting more work on the PvE features. However, as the development continued, it became too much.

“We were trying to do too many things at once, and we lost focus. We had an exciting but gargantuan vision and we were continuously pulling resources away from the live game in an attempt to realize it,” said Keller.

Since the release of Overwatch, Blizzard worked to release new content, holiday-themed events, new heroes, modes, and features to keep the game fresh and interesting. But as Blizzard started shifting more towards the development of the Hero Mode, less work was put towards Overwatch, which explains why it took Blizzard two years to release a new hero.

As we got closer to the release of Overwatch 2, Blizzard initially decided to focus more on the online game and delay the release of the PvE mode, hoping to meet the goals of releasing Overwatch 2 in October 2022 and the Hero Mode sometime in 2023.

“After Overwatch 2 had launched, we started refining our plans for future seasons. As those plans grew, we tried to find ways to make all of our ambitions fit together in a plan that we believed in.”

“We couldn’t, so we made the difficult decision to cut Hero Missions and started planning for the future.”

The cancellation of the long-awaited Hero Mode shocked the fans, who didn’t take the news lightly. But as it turns out, Blizzard simply didn’t have the manpower to work on both games and while the company worked hard to provide the fans with the PvE game mode, it eventually only led to less content for the online game.

With Blizzard scrapping Overwatch 2 Hero Mode, the question remains whether we’ll ever see any PvE content for the game. And even though it likely won’t happen anytime soon, we can always hope that Blizzard will provide the fans with what they want sometime in the future.


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