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Last of Us Multiplayer Game Not Shown at Showcase Because It Is 'Not Ready'

The delay makes it seem like there's something to hide, no?
by Natalie Collazo on May 26, 2023   

The Last of Us Multiplayer Reportedly Facing 'Setbacks' as Naughty Dog  Announces Delay - IGN

During the PlayStation showcase earlier this week, so many exciting things were shown that it made some players forget about the things that weren't shown. One of those many things that didn't get a chance at the spotlight during the show was the Last of Us multiplayer game. 

All we really know about it is that the idea was originally for it to be the multiplayer part of The Last of Us Part 2. Since it's initial announcement, it has been transformed into a completely different project. Unfortunately, it looks like it still needs a bit of polishing before Naughty Dog feels comfortable showing it off to the public. The absence of the game made its rounds on social media to the point where Naughty Dog themselves released a statement about it, detailing the reason.

The statement officially reads, "We know many of you have been looking forward to hearing more about our The Last of Us multiplayer game. We’re incredibly proud of the job our studio has done thus far, but as development has continued, we’ve realized what is best for the game is to give it more time. Our team will continue to work on the project, as well as our other games in development, including a brand new single-player experience; we look forward to sharing more soon. We’re grateful to our fantastic community for your support – thank you for your passion for our games, it continues to drive us.”

Considering the popularity that the HBO show of the same name brought to the game, let's hope that we will hear more news about this game sooner rather than later. The last release that Naughty Dog has with respect to The Last of Us was the remaster of the first game on PC. If you weren't aware, the port was not well executed and caused a lot of anger among fans.

Check back with DailyGamer for more news and information about The Last of Us and Naughty Dog.


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