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Dawn of the Infinite Won’t Be Like Other Megadungeons

World of Warcraft changes how "Megadungeons" work
by Tit Krajnik on June 16, 2023   

Dawn of the Infinite is an upcoming megadungeon, set to release with World of Warcraft: Dragonflight patch 10.1.15 later this year. However, while Dawn of the Infinite will bear many similarities to other megadungeons, it won’t be like the traditional medagungeons we know from past expansions.

Dawn of the Infinite is one of the most anticipated additions to the game that is set to be introduced with WoW Patch 10.1.15, and over the last few weeks, we’ve already gotten a taste of what the new megadungeon will look like. Those who have been testing Dawn of the Infinite on Public Test Realms (PTR) have shared overwhelmingly positive responses to the new dungeons, and recently, we got another update on it.

During an interview on the For Azeroth! Podcast, senior encounter designer Stephen Cavallaro and associate game director Morgan Day revealed that Dawn of the Infinite won’t have an attunement quest, like older megadungeons. In other words, Dawn of the Infinite will be available to all players from launch, allowing them to jump into battle immediately without completing any quests beforehand.

Dawn of the Infinite was also confirmed to drop heroic-level items on top of Quantum Courser mount, which will transform in any of the mounts from WoW’s history, giving players just one more reason to try out the new content. It’s currently unclear whether loot drops from Dawn of the Infinite will be upgradeable, but given the current gearing system, it’s likely that the players will be able to upgrade weapons and armor with crests and Flightstones.

Those who like WoW lore will be happy to learn that Dawn of the Infinite will have huge lore implications and play a big role in advancing the current WoW story. This is, again, something that doesn’t follow the previous rules of megadungeons, knowing that Tazavesh and Mechagon didn’t have anything to do with the main storyline.

So for those who want to know what happens to Chroime’s attempt to stop Nozdormu’s transformation, Dawn of the Infinite will have all the answers.


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