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Cyberpunk 2077: Patch 1.63 Enhances Gameplay

Patch 1.63 will address uncertainty in Cyberpunk quests
by Tit Krajnik on June 21, 2023   

On Tuesday, June 20, CD Project Red announced the release of Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.63, which will address many unknown issues with the game’s questlines and open world. The latest update is just one of many patches the game developers have been steadily implementing to Cyberpunk 2077 to fix all the problems the game had at its launch.

Over the last couple of years, CD Project Red has been working hard to patch and fix dozens of bugs and glitches Cyberpunk 2077 came with at launch, and as we near the game’s third anniversary, Cyberpunk 2077 is in the best shape it has ever been. But there are still some problems with the game’s main questline, the open world, UI, and visuals, which Patch 1.63 will address.

Before Patch 1.63, the most recent Cyberpunk 2077 update was released in April, and it was mainly focused on improving the game’s ray-tracing through Overdrive Mode. This allowed those who own powerful PCs to enjoy Cyberpunk 2077 at its fullest and push their machines to the limits to experience the awe aspiring visuals of the Night City.

The most recent patch won’t focus as much on the visuals but is designed to iron out some problems with quests, the open world, and other minor issues.

Some of the most notable improvements of Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.63 include fixing over a dozen bugs players have experienced while completing quests and removing the issue where selecting a blue dialogue option while calling Mitch twice caused the call to be permanently stuck on the screen.

Patch 1.63 also addressed various open-world problems, including instances where some gigs were stuck in the “Undiscovered stage,” issues with regular subtitles appearing instead of overhead subtitles for some NPCs, and various NPC and item bugs.

Besides the open world and quest bug fixes, Patch 1.63 will address problems surrounding Cyberpunk 2077 UI, such as items becoming unusable after the player opens a map and the “Enemy hack in progress” warning appears on the screen while transferring money.

Patch 1.63 marks the second Cyberpunk 2077 in two months and is likely the last big patch before the Phanotm Liberty DLC, which is expected to launch later this year.


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