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Will PayDay 3 Have An Offline Play Mode?

PayDay 3 will require an internet connection, and fans aren't happy about it
by Tit Krajnik on July 15, 2023   

As confirmed by PayDay community manager Almit Listo, PayDay 3 will not come with offline play, meaning the players will always require an internet connection to enter the game. The news didn't go down well with the player base, who were left incredibly unhappy.


PayDay 3 release is fast approaching, and as we get closer to the long-awaited launch, more information about the game is coming to the surface. Most recently, it was revealed that PayDay 3 won't have offline play and will require an internet connection at all times for players to enter the game.

The news was revealed by PayDay community manager Almit Listo during his stream when he was asked whether PayDay 3 has offline play, to which he responded that that wouldn't be the case due to the cross-play and cross-progression systems in the game.

"You will be able to play by yourself, but I do believe that you will have to have a connection in order to play because it's made in Unreal Engine, it's using cross-progression, cross-play, I do believe you'll need to be online to play."

PayDay 3 isn't the only game that will always require an internet connection; some of the most notable examples include Redfall. However, while it has become a norm, PayDay 3 fans aren't too excited about the news.

PayDay's subreddit is filled with fans of the franchise complaining about the recent news, some even stating that it has led them to cancel the preorder. Most complain about how the internet connection requirement could lead to the game being unavailable if the servers go offline, and others have concerns about the progression if they lose connection.

Whether the internet connection requirement is as big of a deal as the fans make it out to be is debatable, but as it seems, some are taking action and cancelling their preorders and wish lists in a sign of a protest. But the protests are unlikely to lead to any changes given that PayDay 3 has to rely on the internet connection to support the cross-play and cross-progression system.

PayDay 3 launch date is set for September 21, 2023.


Check back with DailyGamer for more PayDay 3 news, and follow us on Twitter @realdailygamer to stay up to date with the latest news from the gaming world.


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