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PayDay 3 Will Use Denuvo Anti-Tamper Technology

PayDay 3 will come with a controversial anti-tamper technology.
by Tit Krajnik on August 02, 2023   

As revealed by Starbreeze and Deep Silver, PayDay 3 will launch with Denuvo, an anti-tamper technology, on top of Starbreeze's Nebula activation service. 


The announcement of PayDay 3 coming with Denuvo wasn't accepted well by the community, which isn't too happy with having to deal with the added security features in the game. The latest not-so-ideal news comes on top of the announcement that PayDay 3 will have an always-online requirement.

Deep Silver has used Denuvo in almost all of its games, so it's hardly surprising to see that PayDay 3 will also use it. Moreover, since PayDay 3 will be an always-online game, it's very easy to implement anti-tamper technology. But it begs the question of whether it's really needed.

The infamous tool has been added to many games over the years because it is extremely efficient in holding off piracy, making it a clear choice from the corporate viewpoint. However, since PayDay 3 will have to have an internet connection to work, pirates will have a hard time making a cracked version of the game either way.

On top of the fact that PayDay 3 will always be online, it will already use Starbreeze Nebula, so it seems a bit excessive that Starbreeze and Deep Silver have also decided to implement Denuvo. Whatever the reason behind adding the DRM may be, PayDay 3 will launch with it.

The question PayDay 3 fans have is how adding Denuvo will impact the game since the developers will have to spend a lot on the technology, which potentially could draw away funds intended to develop the game. At this point, we can only guess whether that's the case, and it might as well be an irrational fear of Starbreeze and Deep Silver running out of money to make the game as great as promised.

But ultimately, we won't get an answer until September 21, when PayDay 3 officially launches for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

PayDay3 will build upon its predecessor (PayDay 2) by adding many improvements to the game, promising more refined gameplay, new ways to execute stealth missions, better movement and gun gameplay, and more. And even though not much is known about PayDay 3 yet, based on the available information, the game looks very promising.


Check back with DailyGamer for more PayDay 3 news and follow us on Twitter @realdailygamer and tell us what else you'd like to see us cover!


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