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The Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Map List Leaked?

Anticipate revamped maps
by Tit Krajnik on August 16, 2023   

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Banner Image

Activision has yet to share many details about the 2023 Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, and while it seems like we’ll have to wait for a while longer before we get any firm confirmation, recent leaks and spoilers have claimed to have uncovered the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 map list.


Even though Activision initially promised that there would be no new Call of Duty releases in 2023, the developer changed its mind and confirmed that CoD fans will be getting a new game later this year. The announcement was initially met with some confusion as Activision went back on its word, but eventually, it has led to a lot of excitement among gamers who are eagerly awaiting the new title to go live.

And as the attention shifted toward the launch of 2023 Modern Warfare 3, Activision shared some information about the game, yet most of the details we know today come from various leaks and spoilers.

It has already been confirmed that Modern Warfare 3 will re-introduce red dots, the old minimap, and re-add the traditional Perk system. But perhaps the most exciting was the recent leak that supposedly uncovered the full Modern Warfare 3 map list, which will include all of the launch maps from Modern Warfare 2 and will be available with the game’s launch.

Modern Warfare 3 Maps

  • Afghan
  • Derail
  • Estate
  • Favela
  • Highrise
  • Invasion
  • Karachi
  • Quarry
  • Rundown
  • Rust
  • Scrapyard
  • Skidrow
  • Sub Base
  • Terminal
  • Underpass
  • Wasteland

It’s important to note that the listed maps come from leaks and should be taken with a grain of salt until officially confirmed by Activision. However, among the community, it’s widely accepted that 2023 Modern Warfare 3 will re-introduce the iconic maps from the original Modern Warfare 2. There have been enough hints and leaks to make that prospect believable.

Still, we won’t have to wait for too long to get an official confirmation. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 beta is set to become available in a few months, and there is bound to be more information available from Activision and Sledgehammer Games in the coming weeks.


Check back with DailyGamer for more Call of Duty news, and follow us on Twitter @realdailygamer to stay up to date with the latest news from the gaming world.


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