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World of Warcraft Might Get Another World Revamp

WoW game director confirms another world revamp is likely to happen
by Tit Krajnik on September 14, 2023   

World of Warcraft game director Ion Hazzikostas has confirmed that another world revamp is likely to happen in future World of Warcraft expansions. Even though no exact details were provided on the matter, Hazzikostas’s confirmation was all that WoW fans needed to start speculating what future expansions might bring.


WoW: Dragonflight is nearing Patch 10.2, which will introduce many changes to the game; however, while the current hot topic is how will Guardians of the Dream affect the game, many of the players are already looking ahead – towards a new expansion. We don’t know when the next WoW expansion will hit, but we’re likely halfway through WoW: Dragonflight, meaning an announcement of the new expansion is imminent.

Considering WoW is celebrating its 20th anniversary next year, it seems highly likely that the next WoW expansion will be announced in 2024, yet we still have no idea what the 11.00 will look like. It was recently confirmed that it won’t be pirate-themed, which is quite a bummer, so what else could it be?

Blizzard has been very reluctant to share any information about the next expansion; however, the recent interview by Hazzikostas gave WoW fans something to look forward to. In an interview, Hazzikostas confirmed that the next expansion isn’t an old-world remake; however, Blizzard has it on file, and it will likely happen in the future.

The news that there is a possibility of another WoW world remake in the future expansions has understandably left the fans excited, mainly due to the growing demand from the players to return to Azeroth and re-explore the old zones which were essentially left behind due to the new expansions and new zones those introduced.

Although great news, Hazzikostas’s statement is hardly more than a confirmation that Blizzard has a world revamp in plans, which doesn’t guarantee it’ll happen anytime soon. The last time we got a World of Warcraft world revamp was in Cataclysm in 2010, and considering 11.0 won’t be the expansion that will restructure the world, we can, at best, hope it will happen in 2026 or later.

For now, we might want to tame our expectations and instead focus on what expansion will succeed Dragonflight. Blizzard has yet to confirm what 11.00 will be or what it’ll be about; however, we should get more information during Blizzcon, which is set to take place in November, or in 2024, when WoW celebrates its 20th anniversary.


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