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PayDay 3 Developers Remove A Controversial Feature Before Launch

PayDay 3 will launch without Denuvo
by Tit Krajnik on September 16, 2023   

Ahead of the highly anticipated release of PayDay 3, the developers have made a huge announcement, confirming that the game will launch without the controversial Denuvo feature.


As one of the least-favourite anti-tamper technologies, the previous announcement of PayDay 3 launching with Denuvo wasn’t accepted well by the community, and it seems like the developers have listened. As confirmed on Friday, September 15, PayDay will not include Denuvo, which will align the release more with the preference of the dedicated community.

The sequel to the 2013 PayDay 2 is set to launch with many improvements and modernized features, introducing a new and more immersive game which will unfold in New York. Since the game was first announced, the developers have slowly revealed more news about PayDay 3, although not all announcements were accepted well by the community.

One of the most notably controversial news was the introduction of Denuvo, a very popular anti-piracy solution used by many games. From a business perspective, Denuvo is a very useful tool as it delays all piracy; however, while players didn’t have any issues with that, the main concern was whether and how Denuvo would affect the game’s performance.

At first, Deep Silver and Starbreeze remained firm in their decision to introduce the tool to PayDay 3 but suddenly had a change of heart on Friday when it was revealed that PayDay 3 would not have the anti-piracy solution.

As expected, the news was met with a positive response from the community, especially because the developers listened and removed a feature which the majority of the players deemed to be harmful to the game – even though the developers reassured the community that Denuvo would not in any way affect the gameplay.

The removal of Denuvo was largely accepted as a great move by PayDay 3 developers; however, there is still one concern the players have. PayDay 3, as already confirmed months back, will come with an always-online requirement, which is still widely accepted as a bad feature. However, it seems this won’t be changed.

Besides the always-online requirement, PayDay 3 seem to be on the right track to becoming a great game, and the recently revealed roadmap with upcoming DLCs only helped to add more hype ahead of the game’s official release on September 21.

Check back with DailyGamer for more PayDay news, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @realdailygamer


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