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Next Xbox Could Be Coming in 2028

Just as the Series X|S was really taking flight.
by Natalie Collazo on September 18, 2023   

It's been quite a wild few years for Microsoft, and the release of the Xbox Series X|S had no small part in all of that. Of course, with the passage of time comes the release of newer hardware that somehow manages to upstage anything that was released before. In the case of Microsoft and their Xbox consoles, it looks like we might see the next iteration of the hardware as soon as sometime in 2028.

Internal chat logs were spotted that seem to indicate the information. These chats discussed the trial with the FTC in July and in them, talks of a 2028 date for whatever it is that they have planned. The release date might seem like it is very soon, but it would realistically be about eight years since the launch of its predecessor. Both the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox one also had an eight-year lifetime between 2012 and 2020. However, the release of the Xbox Series X|S was shrouded in many different circumstances that were never thought of before including a worldwide pandemic and the unavailability of several parts necessary to building the systems, halting distribution to stores.

This isn't necessarily strange news, as Nintendo is gearing up to release the next version of the Switch sometime in 2024 and PlayStation most likely has plans for a console considering the debacle between Microsoft and their monopoly over Activision Blizzard. However, only recently have some of the biggest titles been locked to current generation consoles and PC, making it a wonder what is expected from the upcoming version of the hardware. What is expected, as per these documents, is that Microsoft plans to create the tenth generation of consoles with the idea of creator-based capabilities being at the forefront. What this means, we hope to find out as time passes.

Check back with DailyGamer for more news and information about Xbox and Microsoft! Consider checking us out on Twitter @realDailyGamer and tell us what else you'd like to see from us!


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