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Riot Introduces New Penalties For Toxic Players In League of Legends

A new ranked penalty gets added to LoL with Patch 13.19
by Tit Krajnik on September 20, 2023   

Toxicity has been a big issue in League of Legends, which is widely regarded as one of the most toxic video games in the industry. And while toxicity will likely never go away, Riot Games has found a new way to punish players who misbehave in games.


Since LoL first came out, Riot Games has been figuring out new and innovative ways to punish toxic players. The worst cases get their accounts outright banned, while lesser offenses receive lengthy bans or chat restrictions. However, with Patch 13.19, LoL will receive a new, more creative way to punish toxic players.

As confirmed, Riot Games will implement a new system to LoL with the next update, which will disable the ranked queue for toxic players temporarily. As a part of the new punishment, the punished players will not be able to play ranked queue until they complete a set of remedial normal matches while showing improved behavior.

So if a player is found to be toxic in a ranked LoL game, he will have his ranked queue disabled until he plays draft pick, ARAM, or another non-ranked match and doesn’t show signs of toxicity. Once the punished player completes the remedial matches, he will be able to queue ranked games again.

The new system will punish all types of toxic behavior, including those who intentionally feed, go AFK, and those who get penalized due to being toxic in chat.

Whether the new system will be effective in toxicity remains to be seen, as there are ways for players to bypass it by logging into another account. Ultimately, they’ll have to play the remedial matches to unlock the ranked queue, so it’s more than fair to say that it’s a step in the right direction and a great addition to the game.

One problem this new system doesn’t address is toxicity in normal games, which, while less common than in high-stakes ranked games, is still there. Forcing toxic players to play normal games will only increase the chances of those who prefer ARAM or other non-ranked games running into toxic players. Still, it’s not like Riot Games doesn’t have other tools to punish misbehaving players.

The new system will go live with LoL Patch 13.19, which is set to release on September 27, 2023.


Check back with DailyGamer for more League of Legends news, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @realdailygamer!


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