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Riot Will Nerf AD LeBlanc Build In Patch 13.19

Back to AP build you go!
by Tit Krajnik on September 24, 2023   

As we get closer to the season-culminating League of Legends World Championship, Riot has its hands full trying to balance the game and remove any overpowered picks that would make the tournament more enjoyable. One of the main champion-build combos that were bound to get hit with a nerf was AD LeBlanc, which has been taking over the solo queue over the last month.


Professional LoL players have been experimenting with the new strategy recently and figured out that LeBlanc can use attack damage (AD) build and still be a solid pick for either mid or top lane. The new strategy proved not only viable but also incredibly strong, with multiple South Korean players taking advantage of the new build to climb the solo queue ladder.

The AD LeBlanc build also appeared in pro play several times, and while unique builds are often good for the game, AD LeBlanc proved too strong, so much so that pro players started to get worried that the champion would take over drafts in professional matches, namely the LoL World Championship.

This concern was quickly addressed by Riot Games, who decided to introduce a nerf for AD LeBlanc in Patch 13.19. This was confirmed by David “Phreak” Turley, game designer at Riot Games, who posted a Tweet stating that AD LeBlanc will receive some adjustment, mainly due to how strong the pick proved to be for the top lane.

The main changes that will nerf AD LeBlanc’s strength include nerfs to Trinity Force and Statikk Shiv and LeBlanc’s mana pool. Moreover, LeBlanc will receive a slight buff to her AP scaling, which will effectively force players to build ability power on her to take advantage of LeBlanc’s full potential.

According to Phreak, Statikk Shiv was initially planned to be adjusted, but Riot found out that it was just as strong as other AD options for LeBlanc, such as Kraken Slayer and Stormrazor. Most players considered Statikk Shiv to be underpowered, which it was in most cases. Still, the item was also potent in the hands of the right champions, such as LeBlanc, who could use it to wave clear very effectively.

Adding Statik Shiv, Trinity Force, and Hullbreaker to LeBlanc made her a split-pushing monster, which is, due to her kit, very slippery and nearly impossible to catch, making her a very efficient champion to put immense pressure on the map.

Had Riot Games not decided to change how AD LeBlanc works, she would most definitely take over the meta at LoL Worlds, which might not sound too bad. Still, due to how AD LeBlanc is played, it would lead to fewer interactive games, as AD LeBlanc rarely gets involved in teamfights and focuses mainly on split pushing.

The changes will be introduced to the game with Patch 13.19, set to go live on Wednesday, September 27.


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