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City Skylines 2 Is Designed To Work On 30 FPS

The developers see no benefit of going over 30 FPS
by Tit Krajnik on October 24, 2023   

In the recent Reddit AMA, City Skylines 2 developers answered some of the questions from the community, giving the players some insight into the latest instalment of the City Skylines series. Among all the questions, Colossal Order's Chief Technical Officer commented that the game was designed to target 30 FPS, which sparked a heated debate among the players.


City Skylines 2, released on October 24, 2023, is one of the most anticipated games of the year, promising new features and better graphics than the first game of the series. As with any new release, players expected City Skylines to demand much better systems to run smoothly; however, it seems like even top-of-the-line computers won't be able to run the game the way we would expect.

As explained by Colossal Order's Chief Technical Officer, City Skylines 2 is designed to work on 30 FPS since the team sees no good reason for a game of this kind to run at a higher framerate.

"The target is 30fps because of the nature of the game, (arguably) there are no real benefits in a city builder to aim for higher FPS (unlike a multiplayer shooter) as a growing city with inevitably become CPU bound. What matters more with this type of game is to avoid stutters, and have responsive UI."

"For that reason, our simulation is also built around an expected update rate given 30fps. However, it does not hurt to get 60 fps as it can contribute to better visuals in relation to temporal effects, so while our target is 30fps, we don't intend on limiting or stopping the optimization work just because we reach it on the recommended hardware, we just don't believe there would be a long term benefit in setting the target to 60fps, especially because we face rendering challenges both from close up and far distances."

While the devs have a point, it's still weird to hear a next-gen game like City Skylines 2 run at 30 fps. Admittedly, lower framerate doesn't affect the gameplay too much – or at least not as much as it would in other multiplayer games. Nevertheless, a new game on a computer with top-of-the-line hardware shouldn't struggle to run at higher than 30 frames.

On a more positive note, the developers have stated that they're working on adding improvements to the game, including balancing GPU performance, removing stutters and rendering improvements. So, while we might not get higher framerates anytime soon, the game should run smoothly and offer a solid city-building experience.


Check back with DailyGamer for more City Skylines news, and follow us on Twitter @realdailygamer, so you don't miss out on the latest news from the gaming world.


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