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WoW Players Fins A Convincing Leak Of The Next Expansion

New WoW leaks show up on Reddit
by Tit Krajnik on October 26, 2023   

As we get closer to this year's BlizzCon, it's time to start asking ourselves what Blizzard has in store for one of its most successful game titles – World of Warcraft. It's been nearly one year since the release of WoW: Dragonflight, meaning we're getting closer to the next expansion, but we still don't know what it'll be about.


To date, Blizzard has yet to share any details about WoW's 10th expansion, how it will look, or where it will send the players. We're getting more and more "leaks" of 11.00, most of which are likely false, but just this week, we got to see what seems like the most convincing 11.0 leak so far.

On World of Warcraft Reddit, a user named Upset-Settingh shared four images, supposedly giving some insight into what WoW's 10th expansion will look like and revealing a new zone named Avaloren. If the leaked images are accurate, it's fair to assume that WoW 11.0 will follow the same idea as the recent expansions – introducing one new continent with four zones and new dungeons and raids.

The images make the leak very believable, showcasing mobs we've seen in the game before and four zones that are very different from one another – from a forest-like zone to a snowy zone, a zone that looks very similar to Durota, and a jungle-type zone.

But it's easy to believe something if you want to, and while the supposed 11.0 leaks look believable, it's also entirely likely that the images are fake and possibly a work of AI. Another big reason why many WoW fans don't believe that leaks is due to the expectations that WoW's 20th anniversary will introduce a world revamp (like Cataclysm). Meanwhile, the leaked images look nothing alike any of the older zones.

Whether the leaks are accurate remains to be seen, and we'll likely have to wait a bit longer before Blizzard shares any official announcements of what will come next after WoW: Dragonflight. Still, we'll likely get at least a taste at the upcoming BlizzCon 2023, set to take place on November 3-4.


Check back with DailyGamer for more World of Warcraft news, and follow us on Twitter @realdailygamer, so you don't miss out on the latest news from the gaming world.


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