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Valorant Update Welcomes Iso, Adds Balance Changes

Patch 7.09 adds Iso, introduces buffs and nerfs
by Tit Krajnik on October 31, 2023   

Valorant 7.09 update is finally upon us, and with it came Episode 7 Act 3, which introduced a new agent, Iso, as well as several balance changes. The most notable include buffs to Cypher and Raze nerfs, which Riot Games hopes will balance the game.


In an attempt to balance the game around the release of Iso, Riot Games announced significant changes with patch 7.09, which will shake up the meta and hopefully make Reyna a less dominant pick. However, Riot has not only focused on balancing one agent but instead introduced changes to many aspects of the game.

Cypher, Raze, Skye, and Fade have all received some changes, which will change the balance of power; however, it's way too early to say how the changes will affect the meta. Yet, the meta will likely be impacted the most by the release of Iso – a new Valorant agent, which was teased earlier this month.

With patch 7.09, Cypher's Trapwire ability will now concuss captured enemies in 1.5 seconds (instead of 3 seconds). Moreover, if Cypher manages to kill the enemy while concussed, the trap wire will re-arm itself after half a second.

Meanwhile, Raze had changes made to Paint Shells grenades, which had their minimum damage lowered to just 1 (from 15) and lowered the damage multiplier when dealing damage to enemy utility items to 100% (from 250%). 

Besides Paint Shells, Rate's Blast Pack will not deal damage until fully armed, while the arm time is increased to 1.5 seconds (from 0.5).

Skye's Trailblazer ability and Fade's Prowler were also changed. The former now goes under mid-height trapwires, while Prowler will now go under Trapwires at head height and over Trapwires at foot height. This is essentially an indirect buff to Cypher.

The 7.09 update also confirmed that Valorant's new weapon won't be released until the next major update or Episode 8


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