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Bandai Namco Will Reveal New Tekken Character At EVO

New Tekken 8 character will get revealed at the next EVO
by Tit Krajnik on November 05, 2023   

Bandai Namco announced that it will host a major EVO tournament on November 12. The event will welcome some former EVO Tekken champions and will end with the announcement of a new Tekken 8 character.


Set to be released on January 26, 2024, Tekken 8 has so far revealed several characters through trailers, events, and videos. Now, the game publisher will announce another character at the upcoming EVO show match, set to take place on November 12, 2023.

The event will feature all former Tekken 7 EVO champions, who will face off in ladder matches. And while the event itself will be exciting for Tekken fans, the main purpose of the competition is to reveal the new Tekken 8 fighter.

After the show match, Bandai Namco will host Tekken Talk, featuring Game Designer and Producer Michael Murray, Tekken 8 director Katsuhiro Harada, and Development Producer and Game Director Kohei Ikeda.

The three will go in-depth about Tekken 8, with character breakdowns for the latest fighters, as well as responding to the feedback of the recent beta test. Tekken 8 show match and character reveal will be live-streamed on the official EVO Twitch channel at 5 PM PST.

So far, Bandai Namco has revealed 31 characters that will feature in Tekken 8. Those include: Alisa, Asuka Kazama, Azucena Ortiz, Bosconovich, Bryan Fury, Claudio Serafino, Devil Jin, Feng Wei, Hwoarang, Jack-8, Jin Kazama, Jun Kazama, Kazuya Mishima, King, Kuma, Lars Alexandersson, Lee Chaolan, Leo Kliesen, Leroy Smith, Lili, Ling Xiaoyu, Marshall Law, Nina Williams, Panda, Paul Phoenix, Raven, Sergei Dragunov, Shaheen, Steve Fox Victor Chevalier, Yoshimitsu, and Zafina.

Even though there is a possibility that there will be more characters available in the upcoming game, it seems like the rumors that stated that Tekken 8 would have 32 characters at launch were correct.

Check back with DailyGamer for more Tekken news, and follow us on Twitter @realdailygamer to stay updated with the latest news from the gaming world.


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