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Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Officially Goes Gold Pre Launch!

Pandora's launch is less than a month away but already hit the sales milestone.
by Joe Wilcock on November 26, 2023   

Ubisoft's latest venture, Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, has gone gold. The open-world game is set to hit shelves globally on December 7th, marking the culmination of an extended development period.

In the lead-up to its release, Ubisoft and Massive have unveiled various gameplay snippets and breakdowns. While some players express optimism, citing the title's potential, a faction contends that it appears to be a rehash of the Far Cry formula, leveraging the Avatar IP for success.

During the summer, glimpses of gameplay showcased activities ranging from navigating the landscape on an Ikran to engaging in combat with wildlife and human foes, utilizing Na'vi bows and conventional weaponry. The game reportedly presents a visually appealing world, consistent with the Avatar franchise, featuring outposts for conquest—a familiar Far Cry element.

Despite the positive notes, there is an acknowledgment of the similarities that tie Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora to the Far Cry series. The game's world, though visually stunning, echoes the classic Far Cry trope with the presence of outposts for players to assert dominance.

Scheduled for release on December 7th, the game offers a variety of side content, including 'peaceful' activities diverting from the perpetual struggle against invaders. This diversification seeks to cater to a broader audience but doesn't deviate significantly from the established Ubisoft open-world formula.

The verdict on Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora remains split, with expectations tempered by the perceived reliance on proven gameplay mechanics from Ubisoft's repertoire. The game's success or critique hinges on whether players find its blend of Avatar's allure and Far Cry's familiarity a winning combination. Come December 7th, gamers will have the opportunity to decide for themselves if Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora lives up to the expectations surrounding its gold status.


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