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Knights of the Old Republic Remake Reportedly No Longer In Development

Just more bad news from Embracer Group
by Natalie Collazo on November 17, 2023   

Knights of the Old Republic Remake Reportedly No Longer In Development

Embracer Group and Aspyr Media the team behind the remake of the critically acclaimed Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, is reportedly no longer working on the game. This isn't to say that it's being handed off to someone else, it will just no longer be actively in development. This comes a few months after the company faced many layoffs, game cancellations, and more due in part to a variety of different reasons.

Will Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Ever Be Released?

Unfortunately, this looks like the end for the famed Star Wars title. According to Jeff Grubb from Giant Bomb, "This game is not being worked on right now, full stop. This game is not being worked on in any way, at any studio."

The announcement for the game was made during a 2021 PlayStation Showcase. It talked about the remake with Sony being set as the company backing the project as a co-publisher. Since this announcement, it's been noted that Sony has scrubbed everything about the game from its sites.

This is not the first time that Aspyr Media has failed when it comes to a Star Wars title. In fact, they had made promises to include the originally cut content in their remaster of Knights of the Old Republic II on the Nintendo Switch. This promise ended up being false and had customers file a class-action lawsuit against Aspyr for false advertising. Tons of players picked up the game with the intention of being able to play that content.

Hopefully, in the future, we can see the remake fall into different hands. However, that doesn't seem to be the case considering the current trend of cancelled games and massive layoffs going on within the industry.

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