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Blizzard Revamps World of Warcraft Token System

Blizzard changes how buying WoW Tokens works
by Tit Krajnik on November 18, 2023   

Blizzard has announced significant changes to how World of Warcraft (WoW) Tokens can be purchased. According to its recent update, players must first buy a real-money subscription before buying game time with WoW Tokens.

This is big news: WoW Tokens play a critical role in the WoW gaming ecosystem, offering players distinctive, flexible ways to manage their game time and finances within the game.

Traditionally, WoW Tokens were purchasable for real money and then sold on the game's "auction house" in return for gold usable in the game. Once acquired with gold, it transforms into a Soulbound token, usable as extra leeway due to adding 30 days of extra game time to a player's account.

WoW's Token Dynamics Redefined

As announced on Friday, November 17, Blizzard has changed the logistics behind purchasing WoW Tokens, as stated above. Players can no longer buy the in-game tokens from the Auction House or the game's shop for gold if they've not spent real money to purchase at least one 30-day subscription.

It's important to note that this change won't affect most players since it requires them to have bought at least one 30-day subscription with real money since 2017. Thus, this change doesn't affect players who have purchased game time using fiat at least once in the last six years.

As it's evident, this change is just one of many Blizzard implemented to battle botting and real-world trading. WoW Token, first introduced in 2015, was one of the main tools the gaming studio has used to answer third-party gold trading, allowing players to buy WoW Token for real money and then sell it on the in-game auction for gold.

WoW Token to Battle Real-World Trading

Effectively, WoW Tokens enable players to convert real-world cash for gold, making it less appealing for players to search and use third-party gold-selling services. In turn, this makes real-world trading legal — providing it was achieved by purchasing WoW Tokens.

On the other side, WoW Tokens make it possible for players to play World of Warcraft for free, as long as they are prepared to farm up gold and use it to acquire more WoW Tokens. Then, they can convert the tokens to balance to reap the benefits of extra game time like before. 

Unfortunately, WoW Tokens are prone to opening the doors for bot accounts, which are known to farm gold and buy game time repeatedly, making it easier for themselves to continue existing. Blizzard implemented this recent change as a response to them because they will need at least one real-money purchase within the last six years to be able to buy WoW Tokens.

“In order to preserve the integrity of the game and provide a better token market to players, with an update to World of Warcraft on Tuesday, November 21, we will enable the following restriction in this region.”

“Players will no longer be allowed to purchase a WoW Token from the Auction House or the in-game shop for gold if they have not spent real money to purchase and consume at least 30 days of game time since 2017.”

Ultimately, this change won't affect a large number of players, considering most WoW fans have spent real money to buy at least one game time within the last six years. However, how effective this tool will be in battling the ongoing issues with bots remains to be seen.

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