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Cities Skylines 2 DLC Got Delayed

Colossal Order pushes back City Skylines 2 DLC to work on fixing bugs
by Tit Krajnik on November 20, 2023   

As announced on Monday, November 20, City Skylines 2 DLC got delayed as Colossal Order shifted its focus and resources to fixing over 100 different bugs. The developer previously stated that it wouldn’t release a DLC until it’s completely satisfied with the game’s performance, and it seems like Colossal Order is following its promise.


Colossal Order shared some updates on the issues affecting City Skylines 2 and outlined its intentions to focus on fixing the problems first before releasing the DLC, which won’t land in the originally promised schedule.

City Skylines 2 was released on October 24, and it came with many performance issues, some of which have since been improved. However, as the game seemed to become stabler and as we got closer to the promised DLC release date, Colossal Order stated that the DLC won’t launch as intended.

“We continue to go through your bug reports and have logged around 100 reproducible issues that have been moved to the team to look into.”

“There are another 100 reports that we are still investigating that require more information and a bunch of duplicates, some of which add valuable information so we’ll go through all of them. We are also checking suggestions for improvement or new features, but these requests are currently at a lower priority.”

Colossal Order Shifts Its Focus To Fixing Bugs

In the blog post announcing that Cities Skylines II DLC got delayed, Colossal Order explained that it is focusing on issues related to in-game mail and citizen pathfinding, as well as the distribution of manufactured goods outside of the city. Unfortunately, this required a deep dive to determine the issues, which will take up a lot of resources and time.

"We’re also looking at reports about export and distribution of goods in the city. Like mail, these require a deep dive to determine what is working as it should and what is not. I don’t have any details to share yet as we’re still digging into the different reports, but I wanted to let you know we haven’t missed the concerns you have raised.”

Besides bug fixes, Colossal Order is also working on technical fixes, including improving GPU and CPU performance and the level of detail in in-game assets. However, to fix that, the developer says will need more than one patch.

City Skylines 2 asset pack was originally scheduled to be released in Q4 of 2023 and has now been pushed to Q1 of 2024. Likewise, the creator packs were pushed back from Q1 of 2024 to Q2 of 2024, whereas the game’s first medium expansion release date hasn’t changed and is set to release in Q2 of 2024.

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