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Yoshinori Kitase Discusses Potential Final Fantasy 8 Remake Changes

Kitase calls for a combat overhaul if the game is to be green-lit 
by Joe Wilcock on February 07, 2024   

Square Enix's Yoshinori Kitase, director of the classic RPG Final Fantasy 8, recently discussed potential changes he would implement if a remake were to ever materialize. In an interview with IGN, Kitase emphasized the need to overhaul the game's battle system, particularly addressing the Junction system, which some players found challenging to grasp. He acknowledged that the system's complexity could deter newcomers and suggested redesigning it to achieve a better balance between difficulty and accessibility.

“I think you may remember we had the Junction system in Final Fantasy 8,” he said. “And the thing about that system was the enemies levelled up in line with what the player’s level was. And obviously you had to then use the Junction system and how you customise that to overcome the challenge there. And I think it was a very difficult system for some people to get into. Depending on player skills, sometimes they just didn't work out the best way of doing it.

“So I think I'd want to return to that and really rework the battle system on [Final Fantasy 8] and make it something where that level of difficulty and approachability for some fans was a lot better balanced. So I think that's the thing I'd look at most if I was going to look at remaking it.”

- Yoshinori Kitase

Despite Kitase's insights, the likelihood of a Final Fantasy 8 remake remains uncertain. Kitase highlighted the significant time and resources required for such a project, noting the immense volume of content present in the original game. He compared the endeavor to the ongoing remake of Final Fantasy 7, a colossal undertaking that demands substantial investment and meticulous planning.

Naoki Hamaguchi, director of Final Fantasy 7 Remake and its forthcoming sequels, echoed Kitase's sentiments, emphasizing the monumental task of remaking classic Final Fantasy titles. Hamaguchi humorously expressed reluctance at the prospect of embarking on another remake project, underscoring the immense workload and potential challenges involved.

The State of Final Fantasy

While Final Fantasy 7 Remake has garnered widespread acclaim, its success does not guarantee the automatic greenlighting of other remake projects. Square Enix remains cautious about committing to additional remakes, mindful of the logistical complexities and resource demands associated with such endeavors.

Meanwhile, Square Enix continues to innovate within its existing franchises. The recent announcement of an Xbox open beta for Final Fantasy XIV reflects the company's ongoing efforts to expand and evolve its flagship titles. However, the focus remains on enhancing existing experiences rather than delving into full-scale remakes of beloved classics.

While Yoshinori Kitase's insights shed light on potential improvements for a Final Fantasy 8 remake, Square Enix remains cautious about committing to such a project. The company faces significant challenges in balancing nostalgia with modernization, as well as allocating resources to meet fan expectations. As the gaming landscape continues to evolve, only time will tell if Final Fantasy 8 will receive the remake treatment it deserves.

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