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Fallout-Inspired Game Now Playable on Excel Because Why Not

Excel will definitely last through any nuclear fallout the US has.
by Natalie Collazo on April 25, 2024   

Microsoft Excel is a lot like cockroaches; it'll most likely live through a nuclear fallout. Found on The Storyteller blog, The Storyteller (also known as Dynamic Pear on YouTube) details how their Fallout But in Excel game works. This includes being able to battle enemies, engage in exciting quests, and map out the world of Mercer.

There's a New Wasteland in Town

How would someone even make a game in Excel? The program has several functionalities that could all be programmed to do specific things. In this scenario, Dynamic Pear programmed the ability to move across a gridded map while also being able to encounter new places. When you arrive at these locations, pop-ups will appear for you to accept or decline, acting as the decisions you would normally make in the Fallout games.

The Fallout games are notorious for being explorable worlds that allow for randomized encounters and deep, meaningful quests. Along the way, you'll meet new party members and can even encounter a party of enemies that could potentially outnumber your team.

Fallout-Inspired Game Now Playable on Excel Because Why Not

Beyond the actual complications of creating the game, it's pretty easy to get through. Dynamic Pear did an incredible job of making it user-friendly and easy to understand. Although they've stated that they've never developed a game in Excel before, everyone is looking forward to what the next release might be, if there is one at all.

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