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Blizzard Announces World of Warcraft: The War Within Release Date

The first of three Worldsoul Saga expansions will be released in August
by Tit Krajnik on June 09, 2024   

On Sunday, June 9, Blizzard confirmed the release date of the next World of Warcraft expansion. Named The War Within, the expansion will be the first in a three-part arc known as the Worldsoul Saga and it's right around the corner.

The Worldsoul Saga and its three expansions were first revealed to the public at BlizzCon 2023. With no BlizzCon planned for 2024, Blizzard Entertainment decided to officially announce The War Within's release date at Xbox Games Showcase.


World of Warcraft: The War Within Release Date Confirmed

As revealed by Blizzard Entertainment, WoW: The War Within will launch on August 26, 2024. As the first of the three-part arc of the Worldsoul Saga, the War Within is already in beta testing and in just under two months, will be available for everyone.

The War Within expansion will finally allow players to learn more about the giant sword left behind by the jailed Titan Sargeras in Silithus. While the players already visited the location in the Battle for Azeroth expansion, when the Horde and Alliance fought over a new resource - Azerite - the sword and its purpose remained a mystery.

World of Warcraft: The War Within will launch nearly one year and nine months after WoW: Dragonflight – a bit quicker than the time between WoW's eighth expansion, Shadownalds, and Dragonflight.

However, in the future, the following three expansions will be released annually, meaning WoW: Midnight and WoW: The Last Titan will be available in 2025 and 2026, respectively.

With The War Within, World of Warcraft enters a new era of a multi-expansion storyline, which was confirmed as a celebration of the first 20 years of Blizzard's MMORPG and as a new foundation for Azeroth's future.


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