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World of Warcraft Story Mode Might Expand to Older Raids

Story mode might become available for older raids and expansions
by Tit Krajnik on June 17, 2024   

World of Warcraft: The War Within is the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, set to introduce a plethora of new content and features. That includes a new “Story Mode” raid difficulty, which, according to the developers, might become available for older raids in the future.

World of Warcraft is one of the most successful MMORPGs in history, and a large part of it is its deep lore and storylines surrounding every expansion. However, while WoW’s story plays a significant role in the game’s popularity, the most important bits are often locked behind fights with the raid bosses, where some of the greatest moments unfold.

Raids, while accessible to everyone, can be challenging to complete for casual gamers, as you either have to join a guild or hope that queuing with other random people will result in a completed raid – unfortunately, this rarely happens.

To address the issue, WoW developers decided to introduce a new Story Mode difficulty.

What is WoW Story Mode Difficulty?

A Story Mode is a new feature added to WoW: The War Within as a way for solo players to face the last bosses of the game’s raids and experience the lore surrounding it without having to deal with intense fights required to defeat the game’s antagonist.

While the Story Mode will still offer some challenges, its primary purpose is to help casual players experience WoW’s story fully – offering an even easier way to enter raids than the current Looking for Raid mechanic.

Not only has the Story Mode been confirmed for The War With, but it might also become available for older raids.

Will Older WoW Raids Have Story Mode?

According to World of Warcraft game director Morgan Day, the game developers are considering adding Story Mode to older raids. However, he emphasized that the current priority is working on Story Mode for The War Within expansion.

In the interview, he also mentioned that the team behind Story Mode is also considering adding an option for players to level through older raids, introducing a new and exciting way to experience the game. However, as of now, those are nothing more than potential plans for the future of the newly introduced feature.

Whether the Story Mode will be added for older raids will likely come down to the success of the feature in WoW: The War Within expansion, which is set to release on August 26, 2024.


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