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Outriders Coming to Game Pass on Day One

Good or bad news?
by Oliver VanDervoort on March 18, 2021   

While some people are still enjoying the demo for Outriders, some very big news also hit this week. When the game launches on April 1, it will be landing on the Xbox Game Pass.

This particular piece of news is especially big considering that the game's developers People Can Fly is a subsidiary of Microsoft. With the acquisition of Bethesda the company added quite a few "first-party" titles to its subscription service catalog. 

Outriders is also arguably the first "big" new release of 2021. It comes about a month before the new release season really ramps up.

With May bringing a ton of games, this shooter from quite a bit of the team that worked on the Gears of War series has a full month to show what it can do and really hook people. 

Now that Xbox users can get the game for "free" it's almost certainly going to get more eyes on it than not. 

Having played the demo, it's a title that has some potential. The story seemed a bit clunky, but the combat was legitimately fun. 

The arrival of Outriders also ramps up the battle between Xbox and PS5 when it comes to their subscription services.



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