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Xbox Adds Third Party Games to Game Pass

Outriders might just be the beginning
by Oliver VanDervoort on March 22, 2021   

On the heels of the announcement that Outriders is joining Xbox Game Pass on Day One, a new report claims that Microsoft is "heavily involved" in talks to bring other AAA games from third party studios to the subscription service as they launch.

Windows Central editor Jez Corden shared some insight into some reportedly big Xbox plans with third party studios in the future on the Xbox Two Podcast, with host Rand al Thor 19.


"I know Microsoft is heavily involved with some big third party studios right now for exclusives. Some of the projects I've seen pitched are the kind of games that I'd expect to be, sort of, on the level of, sort of like where Bungie was with Halo back in the day. The kind of 10 year plan sort of thing like Asobo doing with Flight Simulator."

Corden added that while he thinks Microsoft has plenty of plans in the works, most of them are pretty far off. 


"Microsoft is still moving ahead. I've seen things that are like years out that are incredibly impressive that made me think that some of the studios involved could end up being acquired because of the scale of some of these projects. But it's so early that these things might never come to fruition. You know, I always think back to Scalebound, Phantom Dust, these games that were sort of announced that never sort of appeared. More games than we ever know that never get off the ground or get past the prototype stage.

I don't like teasing things that are really far out because it leads to disappointment but you know, for the sake of the podcast and for you guys, I will just say that Microsoft is always planning things. It's not like they bought Bethesda and thought 'OK, we're done now.' They ain't done. Some of the things they are exploring is just crazy."


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